July 16, 2024

Minimize screen time and maximize active fun this season.

The weather is so nice this time of year, it seems it would be easy to come up with fun summer activities for kids, but that is not always the case. As the temperatures rise, sometimes it is easier to just stay in the air-conditioned house in front of a television, computer or video game.

But a day of sitting in front of a screen is not healthy for kids. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics stresses the importance of balancing screen time with other activities, including family time, physical activity and sleep. So, what to do all day? Get moving!

“I recommend that my patients and their families spend at least an hour a day getting sweaty,” said Dr. Tara Huss, a pediatrician who sees patients at Vanderbilt Children’s University Pediatrics at One Hundred Oaks. “Unfortunately, a majority of kids do not get this much-needed exercise. I say much-needed because as little as 30 minutes a day can boost brain function and improve cardiovascular health. It also decreases the risk of obesity and diabetes. This is a very important hour in the day, and it is up to parents to ensure their kids stay active.”

Here are four ways to create healthy summer activities for kids.

1. Play with your children.

“As parents, we have to model the behavior we want our kids to have,” Huss said. “That means getting out and moving with them when we can.”

It isn’t enough to tell them to “go play.” This family time together is priceless and will help create active kids. Dust off those bikes, go for a hike or play ball in the backyard.

2. Summer camps virtually guarantee active kids.

“We are fortunate in the Nashville area to have numerous choices, so if this is an option for your family, go for it,” Huss said. (Note: While it’s possible to find some open spots at Nashville-area day camps in early summer, most programs register participants in the spring. If there’s a camp your child wants to attend next summer, be sure to mark your calendar next spring to figure out which camps are best for your child.)

3. Parks and pools offer plenty of summer fun.

The Nashville area boasts many public parkshiking and biking trails and places to play in the water. If you want to stay home, invest in a Slip ‘N Slide. Get out early or late in the day to avoid the heat and sun, don’t forget to apply your sunscreen, make sure to hydrate and be sure to practice the ABCs of water safety to prevent drownings.

4. Libraries typically offer free summer activities.

Children can sign up for a summer reading program or just take regular trips to the library for books. The Nashville Public Library system runs free activities and programs for families all summer. It’s also a source for e-books, books on CDs, movies and music.

Many of these summer activities for kids require some planning. If you don’t, it is way too easy to fall back on just lying around the house all day. Research and write down on a calendar when things are happening around town or make a summer “bucket list.” Fill in the gaps with the pool, park or backyard. It takes work, but it’s worth it to help avoid the “I’m bored!” refrain that drives most parents crazy.

“As a working mom, I understand the time restraints on families, but I suspect we can all find an hour to unplug and play with our kids,” Huss said. “Take a walk or shoot basketball with your child. Or just watch them do those things. If you had an exhausting day, tell your child and let them know that you would love to just sit outside and watch him shoot a basketball or see how fast he can run. No matter their age, children enjoy our attention.”