Along with having fun, don’t forget these Halloween safety tips for the big night.
Halloween brings a lot of excitement for young children – and some adults! – but parents should keep safety in mind.
Halloween is a very busy day in pediatric emergency rooms across the country due to accidents and injuries that occur on Halloween. Stacey Pecenka, manager of the Pediatric Trauma Injury Prevention Program at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, offers these important tips to help your kids enjoy a safe and fun evening.
According to Safe Kids Worldwide, the risk of kids being hit by a car is higher on Halloween than on any other day of the year. Make sure you remind your child to:
- Walk on sidewalks on lit streets (never through alleys or across lawns).
- Walk from house to house (never run) and always walk facing traffic when walking on roads.
- Cross the street at crosswalks and never assume that vehicles will stop.
Dressing your little ghouls and goblins
- To prevent falls, avoid oversized and high-heeled shoes. Make sure the rest of the costume fits well, too.
- Choose a light-colored costume that’s easy to see at night. Add reflective or glow-in-the-dark tape to the costume and to the trick-or-treat bag. Kids may also enjoy wearing glow sticks as bracelets or necklaces that can be purchased from the Dollar Store.
- Masks can make it hard for kids to see and breathe. Instead, try using non-toxic face paint or makeup.
- Make sure that any props your kids carry, such as wands or swords, are short and flexible.
Trick-or-treating basics
Kids under age 12 should:
- Make sure they go trick-or-treating with an adult and know your cell phone number in case they get lost.
- These custom safety temporary tattoos are a great idea for when you’ll be in a crowded area with your child; you can add your contact information in case you are separated.
For older kids:
- Have them share their planned routes and when they’ll be coming home.
- Check to make sure they carry cellphones, go in groups and stay together.
- Remind them to only go to houses with porch lights on and stay away from candles and other flames.
- Give kids flashlights with fresh batteries.
- Don’t walk down any streets wearing dark colors. It’s too hard to see them and they can be seriously injured if struck by a vehicle.
- Make sure your kids know they should never enter someone’s home unless they have your permission or know the homeowners well.
When kids get home:
- Help them check all treats to make sure they’re sealed. Throw out candy with torn packages or holes in the packages, spoiled items and any homemade treats that weren’t made by someone you know.
- Don’t let young children have hard candy or gum that could cause choking.

Quality care after hours
Vanderbilt Children’s After-Hours Clinics offer the convenience of a walk-in clinic with care provided by Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt experts. These clinics offer urgent care for non-life-threatening illnesses or injuries in children of all ages. No appointment is necessary, but it is recommended that you call your pediatrician first.