Navigating breastfeeding as a first-time parent can be daunting. This guidance can help.
Breastfeeding forms a bond between mother and baby while also providing numerous health benefits to both, but it isn’t always an easy undertaking.
Sore nipples and a fear of not making enough breast milk are leading reasons that new mothers stop breastfeeding and swap to formula. But as this expert explains, most women make plenty of milk for their babies. Our guide to breastfeeding below highlights what to expect and some tips to help you succeed with trust in the process and trust in the body to provide.
The benefits of breastfeeding
“Breast milk is one of the best things that your baby needs to grow and develop — it even changes to meet your baby’s needs as he or she gets older.”
“Breast milk is one of the best things that your baby needs to grow and develop. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and it even changes to meet your baby’s needs as he or she gets older,” said Heather Potts, a certified nurse midwife and family nurse practitioner with the Vanderbilt Center for Women’s Health.
Breast milk contains the optimal proportion of nutrients babies require including protein, carbohydrates, fat and calcium that contribute to brain growth and nervous system development. Breast milk also provides natural antibodies that promote resilience to illnesses and has been linked to reduced risks of obesity, diabetes, asthma and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in babies. Mothers who breastfeed experience lower rates of breast and ovarian cancer and postpartum depression. Lastly, as we see an uptick in dairy intolerance, breast milk is also easier for your baby to digest than cows’ milk.
Breastfeeding tips and terms
The three main components to breastfeeding successfully are latching, frequency and positioning.
- Latching refers to how a baby’s mouth attaches to the mother when feeding. Optimally, the baby’s mouth should cover a large portion of the areola in addition to the nipple for an effective milk transfer and may even reduce soreness for the mother.
- Newborns typically need to be fed at a frequency of 8-12 times a day due to their small stomachs. It is important to watch for your baby’s cues for hunger, such as rooting or sucking on fists, rather than adhering to a strict schedule.
- Positioning can be difficult and varies from mother to mother. Common breastfeeding positions include a cradle hold, football hold and laying down, but there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Experiment with different positions to determine what works best for you and your baby.
“How much milk your baby needs will change as baby grows, and your body will adjust to those changes,” Potts said. “If your baby has a growth spurt, your baby might want to nurse more often or for longer periods of time. Your body will adjust to that, too. The important thing is to nurse as long and as often as your baby wants and to let your baby eat until full.”
Common breastfeeding challenges
Breastfeeding may be natural, but that doesn’t mean it is always easy. Common challenges include:
- Breast engorgement can occur from sudden changes in feeding frequency such as skipping pumping sessions or during the body’s natural transition from colostrum to mature milk. “To alleviate discomfort from engorgement, try applying warm compresses before feeding and cold compresses afterward. Nursing frequently can also help regulate milk supply. Pumping is particularly helpful here if the baby is not hungry or away from the mother when transitioning back to a normal schedule,” Potts said.
- Sore nipples are common in the early days of breastfeeding. Proper latching and applying lanolin cream or breast milk are techniques that can be used to minimize soreness.
- Maintaining a healthy milk supply. Many moms worry about low milk supply, but most of the time your body makes exactly what your baby needs, even if you don’t realize it. Breastfeeding frequently — especially in the first hours, days and weeks — is the main way to increase your milk supply. Your body will make milk to meet your baby’s demand. “If supply issues or extreme soreness do not resolve, it may be beneficial to reach out to a lactation specialist who can offer guidance and additional support,” Potts added.
Despite initial challenges, with patience, perseverance and a supportive network, most mothers can navigate obstacles associated with breastfeeding for their babies. If you find yourself struggling to breastfeed for whatever reason, bottle feeding or using formula is an alternative option that keeps your baby happy and fed. Each journey is unique, so trust your instincts, figure out what works for you and seek help if necessary.

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