A series of headaches sent her for help. That’s when she found out she had a brain tumor.
A third migraine in a month sent Katie Creech to a walk-in clinic. The doctor on-call ordered a CT scan and told her, “You have a mass in your brain. Who should I call?” Next, the mother of two decided to find the best care possible.
She underwent a complex brain surgery, where a tiny portion of the benign tumor had to be left behind. Now, nearly 10 years after treatment, Creech and her Vanderbilt surgeon Dr. Reid Thompson share her treatment journey in this video.

Personalized care for brain tumors
With a brain tumor, the first step you take is important. Vanderbilt’s expert team works together to provide a precise diagnosis, second opinion consultations and the most effective treatment options, working with Vanderbilt experts across other disciplines. For more information, call 615-258-9236.