Addressing mental health across the lifespan

Mental health is crucial to our overall health — and it's something we need to prioritize throughout our lives. That's the current focus of Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network's miniVHAN podcast, which recently hosted a conversation with mental health experts to help older adults who may be struggling with depression and anxiety.

"The biggest thing is that they continue to have a purpose in life," said Dr. Jason Greenhagen, a geriatric psychiatrist for Vanderbilt Health. "It is a very human thing to crave a place in this world. It is important that they still have that drive and something that they want to do in their life."

The most important takeaway from the miniVHAN podcast series? The fact that our physical, mental and emotional health are all interconnected. Read on for more of Greenhagen's advice, or scroll through the articles below for more expert advice on how you can make your own mental health a priority this year.

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